415. The virtues of the vicious :


Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

Subject: Crane, Stephen,1871-1900., Maggie, a girl of the streets.,Riis, Jacob A., (Jacob August),1849-1914-- Influence.,Riis, Jacob A., (Jacob August),1849-1914., How the other half lives.,Crane, Stephen,(1871-1900)-- Critique et interprétation.,Crane, Stephen., Maggie, a girl of the streets.,Riis, Jacob A., (Jacob August),1849-1914.,Riis, Jacob A., How the other half lives.,Riis, Jacob August,(1849-1914)-- Critique et interprétation.,How the other half lives (Riis, Jacob A.),Maggie, a girl of the streets (Crane, Stephen),American prose literature-- 19th century-- History and criticism.,City and town life in literature.,Didactic literature, American-- History and criticism.,Slums in literature.,Slums-- New York (State)-- New York-- Historiography.,Social ethics in literature.,Spectacular, The.,Alltag,American prose literature.,City and town life in literature.,Didactic literature, American.,Geschichte,Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.),LITERARY CRITICISM-- American-- General.,Littérature américaine-- Histoire et critique-- 19e siècle.,Littérature didactique-- Histoire et critique.,Logement insalubre-- États-Unis.,Logement insalubre-- New York (N.Y.),Morale sociale-- Dans la littérature.,Roman.,Slum,Slum,Slums-- Historiography.,Slums in literature.,Social ethics in literature.,Spectacular, The.,Verelendung,Vie urbaine-- Dans la littérature.,Villes-- Dans la littérature.,New York (State), New York.,USA., 7, 7

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